Irrespective of experience or number of hours flown you will learn something valuable and new!
Learn life-saving skills through this Advanced PPL course. Led by a highly experienced instructor – Nigel Willson, you will refine and learn new skills and airmanship to new levels.
The 5 to 6 hour course covers:
- Advanced Stalling
- Recoveries with minimum height loss
- Go-around stalls
- Dynamic stalls
- Advanced Recoveries
- Severe Attitudes
- Spin recovery techniques
- Advanced Turning
- Beyond 60 degrees
- The gliding turn-back
- Advanced Co-ordination
- Flight below the stall speed
- Lazy eight
- Chandelle
- Advanced Circuits
- Short/Soft Field Techniques
- Precision Landings
- Alternative Crosswind Techniques
- Side Slipping
- Curved Approaches
- Bad Weather circuits
- Sloping Runways
- Distress & Diversion
- Lost Procedures (above cloud)
- Mayday/Pan and London Centre (121.5)
- Speechless Code and No Compass/No Gyro Recovery to PAR
- Advanced Forced Landings
- Field Choices
- Constant Aspect Approaches
- Full Flap S-turns and Slips
- Elaborate Emergencies
- Emergency Descents (clean/flaps)
- Partial Power
- Stuck Throttle
- Disconnected Controls
- Asymmetric Flap
- Full Instrument Failure
Don’t take our word for it. See what others say about this course!
- “Utterly and totally recommended, instils huge confidence in your new-found abilities with an emphasis on preparation, safety and airmanship”
- “Such a great confidence-builder—a shame they don’t teach this stuff at normal PPL level”