Newsletter Terms and Conditions

The newsletter provided via is a free service provided to members and interested parties. The newsletter operates on an opt-in basis, and users may unsubscribe at any time via the sign-up form, by selecting unsubscribe. Please note, Andrewsfield club members are automatically added to the mailing list and do not need to opt in manually.

By signing up for the newsletter you agree to receive periodical emails from Andrewsfield aviation Ltd. ( or from designated representatives thereof. You also agree to receive relevant offers from Andrewsfield aviation, as well as associated partners and qualified individuals, such as training partners and club members.

Andrewsfield aviation will not, at any time, disclose, sell or otherwise reveal your personal information to any third party. Advertising/ fundraising via the newsletter is permissible only with direct permission of the airfield manager and any application for such must meet our quality and ethics standards.

These terms and conditions were last updated on 29/11/2016 and are subject to change at any time, without notice. Andrewsfield aviation reserves the right to withdraw the newsletter service at any time, or to remove users from the mailing list at any time, without notice.