ppl-headerWhen you’re thinking about a PPL, you’ll find it really isn’t as daunting as you initially imagined.

In fact, to give you a taste of what it’s like to be at the controls of a light aircraft, and to help you make your decision to go ahead with your licence, you can choose to book an introductory training flight. You’ll be shown how the aircraft works and get an idea of what’s in store for you if you decide to go for your PPL.


What’s involved in gaining your PPL?

Flying Time

The PPL flying course consists of a minimum of 45 hours flying training, which is set down by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA).

These hours are to include:

  • Minimum of 25 hours dual training, including radio navigation
  • Minimum 10 hours supervised Solo Flying, of which 5 hours is to be Cross-Country Flying
  • A solo cross-country flight of at least 150 nautical miles with two intermediate landings

One of the main advantages you will have when flying with us is that our airfield is not shared with any other clubs or commercial flights. Our instruction prices include all Andrewsfield landing fees.


Ground school instruction and exams

As well as taking to the skies, you will be required to pass the following ground exams. All of which require selection of a multiple choice answer.

Air Law, Aeroplane General, Flight Performance and Planning, Navigation, Meteorology, Human Performance and Limitations, Operational Procedures and Communications.

(All of the above must be passed within 18 months)

For more information, see our Ground School Page.

The student is also required to take a practical Radio Telephony test.


Medical fitness

Soon after starting your flying training … much sooner than you’d expect… the time will come for you to take to the air on your own. But before your first solo you will need a medical examination with a CAA approved doctor, to ensure you are fit enough to fly. (We have an approved doctor visiting the airfield regularly to carry out these examinations.)


Trial Lesson Gift Vouchers

These are designed to be either an introduction to the Private Pilot’s Licence course, or as a one off gift voucher for that special occasion, be it a family member or friend. You can book 30 minutes, 45 minutes or 1 hour in either a 2-seater or a 4-seater aircraft.

Trial lessons serve the very useful purpose of allowing anyone to experience the thrill of flight. You will be given the chance to take control and fly the aircraft, which you will find exhilarating.

For more details and to book online, click here

Trial lesson flight time qualifies towards the training syllabus for the Private Pilot’s Licence so the time appropriate to the voucher will count towards your PPL training.



The cost of learning to fly comprises your total flying time, plus cost of books, flying club membership, ground school exam fees and medical. When ready, there will be a PPL skill test fee, solo hire of an aircraft for the test and a licence application fee to the CAA.

When learning to fly, it is ideal to have regular lessons, even though there is no requirement to complete the training within a certain time.


What your PPL qualifies you to do

Once you have gained your PPL, it will enable you to fly a variety of single engine aircraft. Please ask for further details on how to keep your licence current.


Further qualifications

Once you have your PPL you don’t have to stop learning. At Andrewsfield there are lots of opportunities to pursue.

For example:

We also offer Aerobatic training, IMC rating (Instrument Meteorological Conditions), Night rating, Formation Training and Advanced PPL Courses. Please ask for more details.


A final note about Andrewsfield Aviation

We don’t just fly. There is a healthy social scene, with fly outs, (often to foreign destinations), BBQ’s, quiz nights and much more…

To find out how we can help you, ring us on 01371 856744 or call in and see us. You can also email  info@andrewsfield.com